2023 statistika
Siit lehelt leidad valiku pilte erinevatelt 2023. aastal toimunud projekti üritustelt.
Projekti kick-off Swisotellis Tallinnas
Jaanuari lõpp 2023
Jani Jäsberg (GTK) külastab EGTd
Aprill 2023
Projekti tutvustus EGT üldkoosolekul
Aprill 2023
Geotermaalenergi kursus Taanis
Mai 2023
Geokeemiline kaardistamine Soomes
Juuni 2023
Kvaternaari üritus Taanis
September 2023
Andmebaaside koolitus BGSis
Oktoober 2023
Meediakoolitus Tallinnas
Oktoober 2023
Kambr.-Ord. Taanis ja Rootsis
Märts 2023
Projektijuhtimise koolitus Tallinnas
Aprill 2023
Projekti tutvustus EGTAgi konvrentsil
Aprill 2023
3D modelleerimise konverents Taanis
Mai 2023
Andmebaaside koolitus Soomes
Juuni 2023
Fosforiidi koolitus Oulu ülikoolis
September 2023
Geotermaal koolitus nr.1 Taanis
Oktoober 2023
Geotermaal koolitus nr.2 Taanis
November 2023
WP1: coordination and management
Task 1.1 Coordination of project activities
Task 1.2 Reporting
Task 1.3 Legal and financial management
Task 1.4 Risk management
Task 1.5 Gender issues
Task 1.6 Ethics management
WP2: geological capacity building
Task 2.1 Scoping visit to assess skills, capacity, and data management at EGT
Task 2.2 Transition from 2D mapping to state of the art 3D model building practices
Task 2.3 Implementing advanced geological surveying techniques
Task 2.4 Geological skills training
Task 2.5 The EU green deal challenging exploration and valorisation methods of critical raw materials
Task 2.6 Enhancing expertise in geochemical and geophusical studies
Task 2.7 Strenghtening the knowledge base in geothermal energy studies
WP3: networking of excellence
Task 3.1 Exploration, exploitation and CRM conferences
Task 3.2 Geothermal energy conferences
Task 3.3 Geochemical baseline surveys conference
Task 3.4 Secondments of partner researchers
WP4: improving management and administration skills
Task 4.1 Project management and dissemination skills
Task 4.2 Project administration skills
Task 4.3 Proposal writing skills
WP5: dissemination, communication, exploitation
Task 5.1 Development of project identity, logo and templates
Task 5.2 Dissemination, exploitation and communication strategy
Task 5.3 Development of online presence, promotional and dissemination materials
Task 5.4 Clustering with other relevant EU-projects
Task 5.5 Attendance in EU and international conferences
Task 5.6 Data management
Devonian in UK (21-25 Apr 2025)
Multilevel groundwater monitoring for ATES systems (Apr-May 2025)
Conference on Geothermal Energy Exploration and Potential in Estonia (10-12 June 2025)
A 3-day wrapping workshop in Estonia (27-29 Aug 2025)
Conference on SLE, SLO and Green Mining Concepts (16 Sept 2025)
Critical metals and minerals in Fennoscandia (25-29 Sept 2025)
EGT-TWINN closing meeting in Estonia (Dec 2025)
PAST EVENT! EGT-TWINN annual meeting (21-22 Jan 2025)
2024 events
PAST EVENT! Virtual fieldwork reconnaissance and preparation (22-25 APRIL 2024)
PAST EVENT! EGT-TWINN annual meeting in Edinburgh (16-18.01.2024)
PAST EVENT! Introduction to advanced reservoir modelling within siliciclastic deposits within the context of geothermal energy (18-22 MARCH 2024)
PAST EVENT! Intro to geothermal energy and ATES in sedimentary rocks, part 3 (12-16 MAY, 2024)
PAST EVENT! Geothermal Exploration in Crystalline Rocks (06-08 MAY 2024)
PAST EVENT! Data modelling, database development, data ingestion and storage (3-7 JUNE 2024)
PAST EVENT! EGT-TWINN summer meeting in Kuusamo (30 JULY - 02 AUGUST 2024)
PAST EVENT! Geological and geochemical field techniques in mineral exploration (02-09 AUGUST 2024)
PAST EVENT! Inqua PeriBaltic2024 symposium (25-30 AUGUST 2024)
PAST EVENT! Precambrian in Finland (26-30 AUGUST 2024)
PAST EVENT! Conference on the urban geochemical baseline survey in Estonia (10 SEPTEMBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Airborne low-altitude geophysical surveys (19-20 SEPTEMBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Conference on exploration and exploitation of critical raw materials (7-8 OCTOBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Proposal writing workshop (10 OCTOBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Scientific paper writing course (11 OCTOBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Digital field data capture (30 SEPTEMBER - 4 OCTOBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! 3D model building from geological data (18-22 NOVEMBER 2024)
PAST EVENT! Geological-geophysical characterisation and thermal power prospective modelling of medium deep (500– 1000 m) geothermal systems (SEPTEMBER 2024, tentative)
2023 events
PAST EVENT! GTK and EGT meet in Tallinn (17.04.2023)
PAST EVENT! Quaternary field mapping (3-8.09.2023)
PAST EVENT! Intro to geothermal energy and ATES in sedimentary rocks, part 2 (6-9.10.23)
PAST EVENT! Intro to geothermal energy and ATES in sedimentary rocks, part 3 (20-24.11.23)
PAST EVENT! Intro to geothermal energy and ATES in sedimentary rocks, part 1 (9-13.10.2023)
PAST EVENT! Introduction to geophysical and petrophysical data in sedimentary deposits for geothermal and ATES systems (13-21.11.23)
PAST EVENT! Media communication training (11.10.2023)
PAST EVENT! Data storage and management workshop (2-6.10.2023)
PAST EVENT! Geochemical workshop in Finland (13-15.06.2023)
PAST EVENT! Scoping visit of EGT to GTK (15-16.06.2023)
PAST EVENT! Geothermal Energy Short Courses at GTK (3-5.05.2023)
PAST EVENT! ETG-TWINN at ETAG twinning conference (26.04.2023)
PAST EVENT! Practical Project Management Training course (18.04.2023)
PAST EVENT! Geological skills training course at GEUS (27-31.03.2023)
PAST EVENT! 5-day workshop at Oulu University (25-29.09.2023)
UGC 2024
UGC registration
UGC background
Conference details
UGC program
UGC keynote speakers
CRM 2024
Conference presentations