Action 2.4.1: Cambrian to Lower Ordovician sequence
stratigraphy and sedimentology field-work in Scania and lsland of Öland (GEUS)
A five-day field-course which
will visit localities in Sweden (Scania and Öland) where corresponding rock outcrops provide important analogues to
Estonian rock successions of Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian age that are of economic and academic importance.
Training will focus on practical fieldwork skills and interpretation of field data.
Action 2.4.2: Devonian in UK (UKRI)
A five-day course introducing the EGT researchers to Devonian bedrock geology, identification of sedimentary
depositional environments, and correlation of geological units in terrestrial strata in both outcrop and borehole data.
This course will consist of outcrop visits and analysis of wireline data, and will discuss interpretation of field data for
understanding geothermal energy and groundwater.
Action 2.4.3: Precambrian in Finland (GTK)
A five-day course introducing the EGT researchers to bedrock mapping of Precambrian terrains and to related data
management in Finland (M20). The course will consist of one day of lectures on data management, field work planning,
HSE and QA/QC followed by three days of hands-on training in the field. The last day is reserved for QC of the data
captured digitally and its management with GIS software following GTK’s fully digital work flow.
Action 2.4.4: Quaternary field mapping course in Denmark (GEUS & UKRI)
This five-day course introduces EGT researchers to Quaternary mapping techniques, and includes two days in the field
where the focus is on Quaternary deposits, depositional environments and glacial landforms. This will be followed by
a 3-day workshop on analysing, mapping and interpreting Digital Elevation Models (DEM) within a GIS environment,
to generate 3D interpretations and integrating it with geological datasets. Hands-on practise with mapping and 3D
interpretation of glacial landscapes and glacial tectonics will be provided. The workshop will include an introduction
to the valuable use of Electromagnetic (EM) methods (SkyTEM and tow-TEM) in the interpretation of the Quaternary
geology and its complexity (both on a regional and local scale). Examples of geological interpretations of EM data
will be discussed in relation to the Estonian geology. Researchers from UKRI will support the course with expertise in
different Quaternary settings and an overview of methods used in the UK.
Action 2.4.5: Wrapping workshop in Estonia (EGT)
The 3-day wrapping workshop brings to Estonia the mentoring geologists from UKRI, GEUS and GTK who trained EGT
geologists on geological fieldwork skills in UK, Denmark and Finland. The field experience obtained abroad will be
applied for examination of Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian outcrops in various localities all over Estonia.
The fourth day will be devoted to studying drill core at the EGT Arbavere National Drill Core Archive. The joint field
work in Estonia will be also accompanied by the geology teachers from the University of Tartu (UT). The Task 2.4
wrapping workshop in Estonia lays the foundation for further science cooperation between EGT, UT, UKRI, GEUS
and GTK.