Action 3.2.1: Conference on shallow to mid-deep geothermal energy and heat storage, from exploration to the operations
of geothermal power plants.
This international conference will bring together researchers from (partner) national geological surveys, academia,
businesses, and policy makers working with geothermal energy and heat storage and is a follow-up from Task 2.7.
The aim is to share knowledge of the entire value chain from exploration to the operation of geothermal power plants
and heat storage systems, and associated national policies, in order to share best practises that can be utilised within
the geothermal exploration program of EGT and Estonian policy makers. We will target case studies describing best
practises with different type of systems such as aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) and borehole thermal energy
storage (BTES). A specialist from Denmark operating a geothermal plant will be invited to share best practise, while
Estonian policy makers will be invited to provide an overview of planned geothermal energy projects.
Action 3.2.2 Conference on the use of geothermal energy in district heating.
This international conference is aimed at sharing knowledge and experience with European district heating systems
using geothermal energy as a source for heating. The potential for using geothermal energy and heat storage for heating
and cooling in Estonia will be discussed. Estonian energy planners will be invited to give an overview on future
energy demands and production scenarios in Estonia. Estonian stakeholders and policy makers will be invited to assure
knowledge sharing and networking. A specialist from Denmark operating a district heating system will be invited to
share best practises and learnings from a Danish perspective.