T5.3 Development of online presence, promotional and dissemination materials
Task lead: EGT Partners: GTK, UKRI, GEUS, UOULU
A project website will be developed, based on the project identity, logo and overall graphic line. The website will contain
the usual sections (about the project, objectives, partners, work areas, news, EGT-TWINN events,social media links,
and project results). The website will be maintained by EGT for the duration of the project (+3 years after the project).
The project will establish and manage social media communication channels (Twitter, LinkedIn) in order to provide
information about latest developments of the project. A regular EGT-
TWINN newsletter will be created and widely disseminated via partners’ networks. An effective way of best practice
sharing is also in the form of blogs. Coordinated and supported by EGT, the WP Leaders will be asked to produce 10-14
blog articles over the three-year period.