Urban geochemistry workshop in Finland


EGT TWINN Workshop on geochemical baselines studies and urban geochemical mapping in the assessment of soil contamination was held in Espoo on 13 – 15 June 2023. This workshop included an excursion to City of Kotka on Wednesday 14 June. Participants were Elina Kuusma and Martin Liira from EGT, Paul Everett from UKRI, Timo Tarvainen, Marianne Valkama, Kristiina Nuottimäki and Hannu Pelkonen from GTK. Eero Asmala from GTK joined the excursion and Marja Jääskeläinen from city of Kotka met the group on the first sampling site during the excursion.

After short introductions of EGT, GTK and BGS, Paul Everett gave an overview and history of BGS geochemical baseline surveys in the UK. This was followed by an overview of geochemical baseline mapping in Finland by Timo Tarvainen. Marianne Valkama explained how the urban sampling sites of city of Kotka have been planned. Paul Everett gave an example from Glasgow area, and we had presentations on quality control and map production.

On Wednesday we visited two actual sampling sites in Kotka. Hannu Pelkonen explained how the field work should be carried out. Finally, we looked through web servers and other distribution channels for geochemical data on the last workshop day. We made a list of questions to be answered before Estonian colleagues can go forward with planning national mapping of urban areas. Heikki Bauert from EGT joined our meeting via Teams and we made the first plans for the EGT TWINN urban geochemistry conference in 2024.

Reported by Timo Tarvainen, GTK

Learning all about soil sampling in urban areas under the guidance of Hannu Pelkonen, GTK.

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