Exploring Scotland's Geological Wonders


What a spectacular geological excursion day it was at Siccar Point and Peasey Bay, led by the knowledgeable Tim Kearsey from the British Geological Survey (BGS)! This excursion marked the grand finale of the EGT-TWINN project annual meeting, which unfolded at the BGS office in Edinburgh from 16th to 18th of January 2024.
Climbing up the steep slope of the Siccar Point with Tim Kearsey leading the way. Photo: Heikki Bauert.

The weather in Scotland, notorious for its unpredictability, decided to bless us with an exceptionally fine day on the 18th of January, allowing participants of the annual meeting to traverse the steep coastal slopes of Siccar Point. Here, we marveled at the exposed Silurian basal conglomerates, intricately overlain by the Devonian riverine delta deposits.

Tim Kearsey (right) explaining the formation of the Devonian rocks at Peasey Bay to Ville Järvinen (GTK). Photo: Heikki Bauert.

Under the expert guidance of Tim Kearsey, our coastal walks transformed into captivating journeys through time. The geological wonders unveiled before us sparked eye-opening discussions and provided us with amazing insights into Scottish geology. Tim's expertise and passion for the subject brought the rocks to life, making the ancient formations tell stories of Earth's history.

As we strolled by the seaside, the landscape transformed into an open-air classroom, and Tim's explanations painted a vivid picture of the geological processes that shaped the region. It was an educational experience like no other, with every step revealing new layers of understanding about Scotland's fascinating geological past.

From left: Kätlin Kaljuvee (EGT), Liina Sadam (EGT), Tim Kearsey (BGS), Kairi Põldsaar (EGT), Ville Järvinen (GTK), Kaiu Piiponen (GTK). Photo: Heikki Bauert.

This excursion was more than just a field trip; it was a journey through time and geology, leaving each participant with a deeper appreciation for the natural wonders around us. The EGT-TWINN project participants are eager to share their detailed insights into the geological aspects of the day in an upcoming blog post on our homepage. Stay tuned for a comprehensive exploration of the rocks, formations, and the rich geological history that unfolded during this remarkable excursion!

The excursion group admiring the amazing view and enjoying the sunny day at the Peasey Bay. Photo: Liina Sadam (EGT).

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