EGT-TWINN Project Achieves National Recognition in Finland


We are excited to announce that the EGT-TWINN project has garnered national attention in Finland through a feature article published last week by YLE News.

The article, titled "Malmia voi etsiä myös jälkiä jättämättä – uudet etsintämenetelmät säästävät aikaa, rahaa ja ympäristöä" ("Ore can be explored without leaving traces – new exploration methods save time, money, and the environment"), highlighted the innovative and environmentally friendly approaches to mineral exploration showcased during an event organized by our project partner, the University of Oulu Mining School.

The event, held in early August at Juomasuo in Kuusamo, brought together students from the University of Oulu and the University of Tartu. Under the guidance of Professor Pertti Sarala, the students explored the latest advancements in sustainable mineral exploration techniques. These methods, designed to minimize environmental impact while increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of exploration, were a key focus of the YLE article.

The article emphasized the growing interest in environmentally friendly mining practices, spurred by the global demand for critical and green transition metals. It detailed innovative methods such as drone-assisted surveys and geochemical surface sampling, which allow for deep mineral exploration without leaving lasting marks on the landscape. Professor Sarala highlighted the importance of these techniques in preserving sensitive natural areas and reducing the need for more invasive traditional methods.

The YLE feature is a significant achievement for the EGT-TWINN project, showcasing our commitment to advancing sustainable exploration technologies on a national platform. This coverage not only underscores the relevance of our work but also provides an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the potential of these innovative methods. We are proud to contribute to the future of sustainable mining and look forward to continuing our efforts to share our findings with a broader audience.

Read the original article in Finnish media here:

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