EGT-TWINN media communication training in Tallinn (11.10.2023) 


A media communications training was held at Swisotel Tallinn, 11th of October 2023. This event was organised by our partner - the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) specialists Juha Kaija and Kristina Karvonen for the selected Geological Survey of Estonia staff.
In this training, we learned the importance of smooth and open internal communication when it comes to large EU projects with multiple partners. We took a peek into possible slippery roads any project can face in case of poor external communication.

Among many other topics, Kristina shared some very good practical hacks from her experience as GTK's project communications officer when compiling interesting and newsworthy press releases, and Juha gave historical and very educational examples of how media can either make you or break you depending on, for example, the focus and wording of your communication messages.

Thank you also, Sirli Sipp Kulli, Lauri Joosu, Lennart Maala, Marlen Hunt, Birgit Mets, Siim Nirgi, Janne Tamm, Kaarel Lumiste, Mariliis Aren, Elina Kuusmaa, Erki Peegel and Kairi Põldsaar for making this seminar a truly interactive event with numerous questions and enjoyable discussions.

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