CRM Conference Program and Abstracts Book Now Available


We are excited to announce that the program and abstracts book for the "Conference on Exploration and Exploitation of Critical Raw Materials: Focus on Northern Europe" is now available for download. You can access the documents in the "Documents" section of our project website.

The two-day hybrid conference, themed "CRM for a Sustainable Future", will feature leading experts discussing Critical Raw Materials (CRM) exploration, extraction, and sustainability in Europe. Key highlights include:

  • Madalina Ivanica from the European Commission will open the event with a keynote on the importance of CRMs for the EU, spotlighting the recently introduced CRM Act, which outlines the critical steps Europe must take to secure its supply of sustainable raw materials.
  • Vesä Nykänen from the Geological Survey of Finland will present on machine learning for mineral prospectivity mapping, offering new approaches to identifying critical resources.
  • Erik Jonsson from the Geological Survey of Sweden will discuss the potential of the Nordic part of Fennoscandia as a strategic source of raw materials for Europe.
  • Sessions from SINTEF and the British Geological Survey will address rare earth mineral recovery, sustainable mining technologies, and life cycle assessments to assess environmental impacts.
  • Experts like Stefan Horn from the British Geological Survey will cover ESG challenges in CRM projects, while Per Kalvig from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland will provide insights into global supply chains, including lessons from China’s REE monopoly.

Covering cutting-edge CRM exploration techniques, sustainability efforts, and regulatory frameworks, this conference is designed for geologists, mining professionals, policymakers, and sustainability experts.

Join us in Tallinn, Estonia, from October 7th–9th, 2024, for this essential event. Registration is free but limited to 100 participants. Go to conference website:

Download the abstracts book now and prepare for a transformative and informative experience here: EGT-TWINN_CRM_Conference_Tallinn_2024_AbstractBook.pdf

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