Exploring the Future of Critical Raw Materials: Conference Focus on Northern Europe


In a bid to champion sustainable practices and harness the potential of Critical Raw Materials (CRM), an upcoming conference is set to delve deep into the exploration and exploitation of these vital resources within Northern Europe. Scheduled for October 7-8, 2024, this two-day hybrid event in Tallinn, Estonia, promises to be a pivotal gathering for experts, policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders.

Themed "CRM for a Sustainable Future," the conference "Exploration and Exploitation of Critical Raw Materials: Focus on Northern Europe" will take an exhaustive look at CRM's role in shaping the regional landscape, particularly emphasising its relevance to the Baltic States. The agenda spans the entire CRM value chain, from geological discovery and innovative exploration techniques to processing methods and crucial environmental, social, and governance considerations.

Keynote speakers (TBD) of eminent stature will headline each session, shedding light on cutting-edge developments and strategic insights. The diverse themes to be covered include:

  • Session 1: Exploring CRM in Northern Europe and its impact on basement exploration in the Baltic States.
  • Session 2: Delving into CRM exploration and exploitation in sedimentary basins, including the critical area of phosphates.
  • Session 3: Unveiling new frontiers in exploration technologies tailored for CRM discovery.
  • Session 4: Examining CRM processing techniques and opportunities for value enhancement.
  • Session 5: Addressing the complex nexus of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and effective governance in CRM utilisation.

One of the highlights of this intellectual gathering will be a unique post-conference opportunity on the third day. Attendees will have the chance to visit the Estonian Geological Survey’s core archive at Arbavere, nestled within scenic forests. Here, attendees can marvel at sedimentary phosphate deposits and Estonia’s crystalline basement, offering a tangible glimpse into the geological riches under scrutiny.

The conference is expected to draw a diverse array of participants, including geologists, exploration professionals, policymakers, environmentalists, representatives from mining and mineral processing industries, and stakeholders from academia and government agencies. Their collective goal is to foster sustainable development and advance circular economy initiatives by harnessing the potential of CRM.

Interested parties are encouraged to visit the official conference webpage for further details and registration. Mark your calendars for this critical exploration into the future of raw materials shaping the sustainability landscape of Northern Europe!

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